Why it’s a good idea to invest in nature conservation?


2CostaRica Real Estate
2 min readAug 23, 2022

The advent of the information age has accelerated the pace of every aspect of human life to a point where it is unsustainable. The idea of constant growth as the only barometer for development and success has come into perspective in the last couple decades, as conscience about the limited resources available to us here on Planet Earth has become more and more prevalent. With alarms sounding off and red alerts triggered as the doomsday clock advances towards midnight, there’s no other time to rethink humanity’s relationship with nature.

Sea Ridge Reserve
Sea Ridge Reserve

Some of the most pressing concerns of the modern age, like quality of life, global warming, and nutrition are all deeply intertwined with what nature can offer us, so the relevance of establishing a more harmonious and horizontal relationship is really a win for both sides. Nature’s capital is essential for all life on Earth, and that includes humanity, even if we like to think of ourselves as the exception.

Governments and international organizations have worked in varying degrees towards the investment in electrical infrastructure, subsidized water treatment and agriculture, among other initiatives, but policymaking can not only be reactionary, there needs to be a better framework for natural protection to prosper. Still, the importance of governments, regulations and state investment can only go so far, which is why the private sector also has an essential role to play in safeguarding the world we live in.

According to the State of Finance for Nature report from the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, close to $133 billion is invested globally on nature-based solutions, but $113 billion comes from domestic government bodies, particularly towards biodiversity protection and sustainable forestry.

Given the current context of capitalist economy and the palpable effects of current natural devastation, the report signals that this is not nearly enough to prevent a total catastrophe, where the planet’s environment can no longer regenerate. Investment in nature-based solutions needs to at least triple in the coming decade, and quadruple by 2050, for a puncher’s chance.

There’s everything to gain and nothing to lose in these kinds of investments. We’re facing a global challenge that can only be solved collectively, and everyone’s input goes a long way towards at least creating conscience.

Safekeeping ecosystems, preserving habitats and biodiversity… This is all essential for the planet, and for our future generations.

To learn more about conservation and this chance to buy a private nature reserve go to SeaRidgeForSale.com.



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